Thu Nov 5, 2020 ZOOM
Abolition & ME: implementing freedom mindsets in our everyday lives
Time and Location:
Nov 5, 2:30 PM ZOOM
Hosted by Indigo Mateo. Abolition is not only about dispelling the carceral system but also replacing it with systems and ways of being that promote healing, community and freedom. Practice the pillars of abolition and zoom into everyday life situations where we have the power to invalidate retributive systems and embrace abolition. Themes of accountability, relationships, self love, community responsibility and harm including sexual violence will be discussed through an abolitionist lens.

Indigo Mateo is an artist, survivor and abolitionist who creates art for the world to heal and transform. She is co-owner of her social impact record label, Question Culture, and founder of Soul Showers, a space where survivors of sexual violence cleanse shame and 'heal in the sun.' Her second album is due is 2021. To learn more about Indigo's love work check